perry como & the fontane sisters, it’s beginning to look a lot like christmas

it’s that time of year again – weeks leading up to thanksgiving and already we see holiday decorations and black friday ads. i have friends who have started decorating their homes and even their tree. even starbucks partakes with a november first appearance of their famous red cup.

whether you love the pre-thanksgiving displays of christmas, or are irritated and take a stand  – like this nordstrom store – or, just don’t care either way: you cannot deny that the spirit of the holidays is upon us. beginning with thanksgiving, the holiday where we traditionally give thanks and celebrate the pleasures of life’s simple gifts of family, friends, and love. i say embrace the “early celebrating,” because after all, the holidays are a time for joy and celebrating what’s most important in life. and that’s something to celebrate all year long.

appropriately, here’s your holiday song of the day. find more tunes and holiday cheer on everyday holiday.