bing crosby, the first noel

one of my favorite introductions to a christmas song. bing crosby:

say friends, wherever you are tonight, whether you’re in the snows of new england or up in the northwest, or on the warm tropical beaches of the florida coast, i really hope you’re getting into the spirit of this christmas sing. i don’t mean just sitting back in your easy chair listenin’ to us have all the fun, i mean throwing back your heads and opening up your hearts, singing as loud or as pretty as you know how. gang singing is a lot more fun than you’ll ever know unless, well, unless you give it a whirl sometime.

so come on, now, join me in “the first noel.” if you don’t know the words, well, hum a little or tap your feet, or gee-wiz, do somethin’…you ready?

gayla peevy, i want a hippopotamus for christmas

after a break this weekend from blogging, i’m returning today with my all-time favorite christmas song. that’s right. this incredibly goofy tune with lyrics practically nonsensical is my favorite. can’t you just imagine a little boy or girl dressed to the nines with tap shoes and a top hat performing single, double, and triple time steps whilst singing and smiling? well, i do. and every time it makes me giggle with joy.

hope you enjoy this tune as much as i do!